Tuesday 31 March 2015

A bit windy out dullness

Hull Daily Mail: Wind causes CHAOS in Hull

The horror, the horror. Trying to light a candle for those hit by this disaster, but it's too damn windy.

Spotter's Badge: L0wey

Council enters 20th Century dullness

Henley Standard: Council experiments with new-fangled 'tape recorders'

They've got a member who thinks the gays cause floods, so let's see how this meddling with Satan's work pans out, eh?

Monday 30 March 2015

Furtive man dullness

Malvern Gazette: Man stops car for a wee, police called

Thank heavens he didn't want a number two, there would have been a whole (s)hit squad turning up

Spotter's Badge: Sarah

Jupiter dullness and/or amazing scientific discovery

Brighton Argus: Astronomers capture this amazing view of Jupiter

I know what you're thinking: They've got camper vans and sensible estate cars on Jupiter. Wow.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Friday 27 March 2015

Swansea dullness

South Wales Evening Post: Business people get together at football ground, eye each other's free tat suspiciously

Or as our spotter says: Thirty-two pictures detailing the futility of existence

Spotter's Badge: Paul

Wednesday 25 March 2015

UFO dullness

Lancashire Telegraph: UFOs over Pendle Hill reported to police

"However when officers looked to the sky nothing could be seen."

But THE MAN would say that, wouldn't he?

Spotter's Badge: Karen

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Very minor road accident dullness

Reading Post: No-one hurt in Friar Street collision

I've stretched all my local knowledge, and can confirm that the photo is indeed a very small patch of Friar Street, photographed at the exact moment the lensman was checking his flies while walking back toward the Reading Post editorial offices.

Monday 23 March 2015

Shopping Centre Dullness

Blackpool Gazette: New shop opens in Blackpool

<sarcasm> I'm ever so pleased for them. If there's one thing Blackpool lacks, it's shops </sarcasm>

Saturday 21 March 2015

Friday 20 March 2015

Fish and chip weirdness

Halesowen News: Woman sets up tent outside fish and chip shop

You will not be surprised to learn that alcohol was a factor.

Spotter's Badge: Tim

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Cheese dullness

Northampton Chronicle: Free cheese sandwiches

"Save the cheese sandwich", the press bumpf says. Oh dear.

Spotter's Badge: Rob

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Potato dullness

Hebden Bridge Times: It's potato day!

Is it me, or does Potato Day come earlier every year?

Spotter's Badge: Akron Morfenstein

Monday 16 March 2015

Thursday 12 March 2015

Law dullness

Leamington Courier: Law specialists team up

Hardly Batman and Robin, is it? (Unless you are secretly Batman and Robin, then your secret's safe with me. Least said and all that)

Spotter's Badge: Rob

Thursday 5 March 2015

Supermarket dullness

Watford Observer: Watford Morrisons gets contactless payment

Cambridge News: Royston Morrisons gets contactless payment

...and a billion other stories from local papers up and down the country.

Treasure those extra ten seconds you have. Visit six times and collect a whole minute.

Spotter's Badge: TRT, Kate

Monday 2 March 2015

Loud bang dullness

Bath Chronicle: Loud bangs heard in Bath

And not to be outdone...

Bournemouth Echo: Loud bangs heard in Bournemouth

Have you heard any loud bangs during the night? Call your local paper.

Spotter's Badge: Robert